SENIOR ISSUE: Friendships Will Be Missed

By Emily Davis, ‘27

Staff Writer

With the Class of 2024 focusing on their plans ahead, some can’t help but look back on their time shared during high school. Seniors who responded to The Hawk survey said they will miss most the friendships and community they formed at Hanover High.  After going to school together for so long and building so many close relationships, it will be hard for many students to be away from them. 

“I will mostly miss my friends and all the memories we have made here,” said Kaleigh Carthas. Paige Canny agreed, saying “I’ll miss living amongst such a tight knit community.” Mary Waters will miss being part of the band. Devin Goslin said he’ll miss “being able to say hi to at least four people every time I’m in the hallway.” 

Eddie Yoo will miss John McDonald and Billy Radzik will miss Ryan Murphy.

For several seniors, the thing they’ll miss most is what happened on the fields and courts. “Being involved in sports teams and attending the sports events,” said Emma Dolan. Dylan Howard added: “seeing my friends everyday and all the sports.”

Many students said they’ll be sad to say goodbye to HHS teachers and staff. For Ashley Stracco, that includes “amazing teachers like Mr. Henderson and my favorite librarian!” For Kaelyn Chase, it’s the “nurses and Guidance department.” For Ed Vedeikis, it’s Mr. Sprague and for Nikki Bliss, it’s Mrs. Curley. Morgan Sullivan named “the Turocys, my favorite couple.” Kyle McCarthy said it’s “the teachers and counselors that I have created a close bond with the last four years.”

“I have gotten to build relationships with teachers from all departments,” said Aidan O’Connor. “Getting to talk and learn from them was something I had not gotten to do at this level before, and I will miss all the faculty that got not just me, but all students, to where we are now.”

Jazzy Clark said she will most miss the lunch ladies. “All of the lunch staff are so kind and accommodating, always making sure our needs are met and that we are never left hungry.” This leads to another thing students said they’ll be sad to say goodbye to, some of the lunch items. Both Gaby McAllister and Maeve O’Connell said they’ll miss the cafeteria nachos.

Aiden Moody said he’ll miss “that atmosphere.” Michael Haleem will miss “the fun times.” Michael Costello said he’ll be sad when he can no longer be “in the library every period sitting in the comfy orange chairs. All my friends were in the study and I mostly just talked instead of doing my VHS.”

One thing that won’t be missed, according to Kyle Gonsalves, is “waking up at 5 in the morning.” 

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