Drama Club Prepares One-Act for State Festival

By Callia Gilligan, ’22

Staff Writer

The Hanover High School Drama Club is alive and well and participating once again in the Massachusetts Educational Theatre Guild’s Drama Festival with their presentation of Badger by Don Zolidis. 

The METG Drama Festival is an annual theatrical competition. Schools gather together and each presents a 40-minute one-act piece, with just 5 minutes to put together and strike, or take down, their sets. At the end of the day, each play is scored and three winners are named. Drama Festival is a wonderful and exciting day, an event that HHS Drama annually participates in. 

In the past, HHS has presented shows such as The Scheme of the Driftless Shifter, an over-the-top comedy. In 2019, the club advanced to the semi-finals with its production of At the Bottom of Lake Missoula. Last year, due to the pandemic, the festival was moved to a virtual presentation. Hanover still participated with 4 A.M. by Johnathon Dorf, submitting a video of the performance. 

This year, with the festival returning to an in-person event scheduled for March 19th or 20th, Hanover is presenting Badger by Don Zolidis. The play focuses on four women working in a munitions factory during World War II and the challenges they face as women in the workforce. It is both a heartbreaking and uplifting story that paints a strong picture of the hardships of domestic life during the war. 

The cast is led by Sammy Burke (‘22) as Rose, Morgan Gentile (‘22) as Irene, Lauren Casey (‘22) as Grace, and Caris Mann (‘22) as Barbara. Any good show includes some romance and this play does not disappoint. Ben Manning (‘22) plays Tim, another factory worker who takes an interest in Rose, and Rose Giordani (‘22) plays Barbara’s husband, John, who is overseas fighting. The Chorus includes Erin Shea (‘23), Kendall Sherwood (‘22), Mary Longueil (‘22), Paulina Leskow (‘24), Addy Potter (‘24), Bella MacDonald (‘24) and Kaya Biunculli (‘23). The Chorus is the backbone of the show, taking on various characters and roles within the factory. 

Rehearsals are already underway with the direction of Mr. Fahey and the stage management of Karen Bell (‘22) and Paulina Leskow (‘24). This play is certain to be fantastic so be sure to catch it in March as part of the 2022 METG Drama Festival!

Featured image is the 2022 METG logo designed by Jashia Sikder of Brockton High School

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