In Sephora’s Playground, Tweens at Risk

By Bradlee Dowling, ’26

Staff Writer

Step into the hallowed halls of Sephora, and you’ll find more than just shelves ransacked of beauty products – you’ll stumble upon a spectacle that defies imagination. What was once a sanctuary for makeup mavens of all ages has now morphed into a playground for the pint-sized, where chaos reigns supreme and the rules of etiquette are but a distant memory.

“People say the store looks like an elementary school for the beauty-obsessed 10-year-olds, some of whom have been caught treating employees poorly and destroying displays,” mocked Katie Camaro in a Jan. 29 article from USA Today, eyes wide with disbelief as she bore witness to the pandemonium that has taken root within Sephora’s walls. Indeed, what unfolds before them is a scene straight out of a twisted fairytale – a fairytale where tween queens tower above, armed with mascara wands and lip gloss scepters.

Imagine, if you will, a troop of tweens descending upon the aisles like a swarm of locusts, their eyes alight with the fervor of discovery and desire. But instead of gentle exploration and whispered inquiries, their approach is anything but subtle. With reckless abandon, they snatch at samples, leaving a trail of destruction in their wake as they wreak havoc upon displays and unleash turmoil upon the nerves of troubled Sephora staff.

Yet, it’s not just the chaos and discord that raises eyebrows – it’s the alarming trend of tweens purchasing products better suited to seasoned skincare veterans than fresh-faced adolescents. “A bigger concern for many is pre-adolescents obsessing over beauty products traditionally marketed to women and older teens, including exfoliators and anti-aging products with retinol that may be too harsh for pre-teens’ skin,” said Tom Ryan in a Jan. 31 article in Retail Wire. Indeed, wandering through the aisles of Sephora, one can’t help but notice the potent potions and elixirs, tempting young patrons with promises of flawless skin and eternal youth.

From retinol-infused creams to potent exfoliators, these young beauty devotees are unwittingly playing Russian roulette with their delicate complexions. “Preteens are bombarded with influencer-sponsored advertisements and step-by-step tutorials for makeup and skincare products unlike generations past,” Ryan continued in Retail Wire. In their quest for TikTok-worthy perfection, they’re sacrificing more than just their pocket money – they’re trading innocence for the fleeting promise of beauty, unaware of the potential long-term effects on their still-developing skin.

As Sephora transforms into a playground, the stakes have never been higher. It’s not just about the products lining the shelves or the chaos unfolding in the aisles – it’s about the future of an entire generation, grappling with unprecedented levels of anxiety and self-esteem issues. As one can’t help but wonder, what price are we willing to pay for the pursuit of perfection?

But amidst the madness lies a glimmer of hope – an opportunity to educate and empower the next generation of beauty enthusiasts. By promoting a culture of kindness, respect, and self-acceptance, Sephora can reclaim its status as a sanctuary for all – regardless of age or experience. For beauty knows no bounds, and neither should our compassion.

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